09:11:47 From Maggie Butler : Some other things we thought of: partnership with Kafe Racer (not sure if that’s feasible but they are bike centric), Airbnb experiences (that’s how we look for things to do), and marketing in St Pete. St Pete (where we used to live) loves the trail, biking, and Dunedin! 09:20:53 From Russ Hilton : tours@dunedinbiketours.com 09:21:10 From Russ Hilton : www.dunedinbiketours.com 09:28:55 From Maggie Butler : local-union.com 09:30:22 From Maggie Butler : Today’s newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/907ddac07d84/hlqsrsweb2-4912036?e=[UNIQID] 09:38:06 From Tiffany Robitzsch : vegancolorist.com 10:05:59 From Evelyn Dufner : flbizincubator.org