One of our guest speakers, Cathy Norris, talked about the “Five Key Ingredients to Manage your State.”
Your “state” is your emotional and physical condition. The awareness of your state (Suffering/Resourceful) has a huge impact on your life.

In a Suffering State, you can have low energy levels, which can be shown as stress, worry, fear, frustration, anger, impatience, sadness, etc. It impacts what you focus on, what you believe, the language you use, the meaning you assign to the event, and even your physiology. A Suffering State doesn’t help you build your business to succeed. In fact, it gets in the way!

In a Resourceful State, you can have a calm awareness, an increase in choice in response to any situation in life, and a greater awareness of ourselves and others. Again, resourceful state impacts what you focus on, what you believe, the language you use, the meaning you assign to the event, and even your physiology. This state is great for helping you build your business.
We had a member of Spark Tank share some concerns about themselves, and we as a group, were able to help come up with some ways to help combat those concerns and move from Suffering to Resourceful. Some of the ways the group came up with were, breathing, listening to relaxing music, staying hydrated and fed, smiling, sitting up straight, and thinking of things that bring you joy. Remember, don’t be too hard on yourself.