If you missed the chatter last week, Gloria Lepik-Corrigan, founder of Your Accessible Life, and Mary Twohey of Ubee Nutrition, found themselves answering numerous questions regarding accessibility concerns. Part of that conversation is how easily it is for businesses to overlook the needs of those with “less-abilities” in the community, and the impact on business when something as simple as front door accessibility is ignored.
Sparked by Brit from Ulta, the conversation provided the group some interesting perspective. HOW do you wash the hair of someone in a wheel chair? From the support of both Gloria & Mary, we really heard it is important to ask questions in a sensible way. Showing you care about the client experience builds trust and relationship and most times is appreciated. Pay attention to the set up of your space.
I can’t tell you how many times I have noticed that there were obstructions on ramps for wheelchairs, or the lack of an accessibility door button at the entrance to a popular chain restaurant. We may not be perfect, but making the effort will likely bring that customer back!